

Peer Reviewed Publications/Reviews

Bayoumy K., MacDonald R., Dargham S., Arayssi T., Bibliometric Analysis of Rheumatology Research in the Arab Countries. In: BMC Research Notes, 2016, 9:393. DOI: 10.1186/s13104-016-2197-x

2. Gad El Haq, W., Mahfoud, Z., Aranki, G., Hani, F., Mandey, S., Mook- Kanamori, M. J., Al Emadi, S., Hammoudeh, M., Masri, B., Badsha, H., Halabi, H., Uthman, I, Kazkaz, L., Sahyboub, R., Saxena, R., Plenge, R., Arayssi, T., on behalf of Middle East Rheumatoid Arthritis Consortium-MERAC VARIATIONS IN THE PRESCRIPTION PATTERNS OF PHYSICIANS FOR PATIENTS WITH RA ACROSS SEVERAL ARAB STATES. EULAR, 2014, June 14. Abstract 
3. Saxena, R., Bjonnes A., Mahfoud, Z., Gad El Haq, W., Mandey, S., Mook-Kanamori, M. J., Aranki, G., Al Emadi, S., Hammoudeh, M., Masri, B., Badsha, H., Halabi, H., Uthman, I., Kazkaz, L., Sahyboub, R., Plenge, R., Arayssi, T., on behalf of Middle East Rheumatoid Arthritis Consortium-MERAC GENOME-WIDE ANALYSIS OF POPULATION STRUCTURE IN A MULTI-NATIONAL ARAB RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS CASE-CONTROL STUDY. EULAR, 2014, June, 14. Abstract 
4. Qushmaq, N., Al Emadi, S., Review on Effectiveness of Primary Prophylaxis in aPLs with and without Risk Factors for Thrombosis: Efficacy and Safety. ISRN Rheumatology, 2014, April, 17 Article 
5. Saleh, Z. and Arayssi, T. Update on the therapy of Behçet disease. SAGE journals, 2014, February 19. Article
6. Okada, Y., Diogo, D., Greenberg, J. D., Mouassess, F., AL. Achkar, W., Fulton, R. S., Denny, J.C., Gupta, N., Mirel, D., Gabriel, S., Li, G., Kremer, J. M., Pappas, D. A., Carroll, R. J., Eyler, A. E., Trynka, G., Stahl, E. A., Jing, C., Saxena, R., Coenen, M. J. H., Guchelaar, H. J., Huizinga, T. W. J., Dieudé, P., Mariette, X., Barton, A., Canhão, H., Fonseca, J. E., de Vries, N., Moreland, L.W., Bridges Jr., S. L., Miceli-Richard, C., Choi, H., K., Kamatani, Y., Galan, P., Lathrop, M., Raj, T., De Jager, P. L., Raychaudhuri, S., Worthington, J., Padyukov, L., Klareskog, L., Siminovitch, K. A., Gregersen, P. K., Mardis, E. R., Arayssi, T., Kazkaz, L. A., Plenge, R. M. Integration of Sequence Data from a Consanguineous Family with Genetic Data from an Outbred Population Identifies PLB1 as a Candidate Rheumatoid Arthritis Risk Gene. PLoS ONE, 2014, February 10. 9(2). Article
7. Almoallim, H., Attar, S., Jannoudi, N., Al-Nakshabandi ,N., Eldeek, B., Fathaddien, O., Halabi, H. Sensitivity of standardised musculoskeletal examination of the hand and wrist joints in detecting arthritis in comparison to ultrasound findings in patients attending rheumatology clinics. Clin Rheumatol, 2012, September, 31(9). Article
8. Hajjaj-Hassouni, N., Al-Badi, M., Al-Heresh, A., Al-Emadi, S., El Bawendi A., El Garf ,A. , El Hadidi, K., Halabi, H., Hammoudeh, M., El Hassani ,S., Al Maaini, M., Naha,r I., Ladjouze Rezig, A., Sellami, S., Sweiri, W., Alswailem, R., Traub, B., Uthman, I., van Duuren, E., Zakraoui, L., El Zorkany ,B., Carmona, L., Dougados, M. The practical value of biologics registries in Africa and Middle East: challenges and opportunities. Clin Rheumatol, 2012, March, 31 (3). Article

Poster Presentations
1. Gad El Haq, W., Mahfoud, Z., Aranki, G., Hani, F., Mandey, S., Mook- Kanamori, M. J., Al Emadi, S., Hammoudeh, M., Masri, B., Badsha, H., Halabi, H., Uthman, I, Kazkaz, L., Sahyboub, R., Saxena, R., Plenge, R., Arayssi, T., on behalf of Middle East Rheumatoid Arthritis Consortium-MERAC VARIATIONS IN THE PRESCRIPTION PATTERNS OF PHYSICIANS FOR PATIENTS WITH RA ACROSS SEVERAL ARAB STATES. EULAR, 2014, June 14.
2. Gad Elhaq, W., Mandey, S., Hammoudeh, M., Plenge, R. M., Mahfoud, Z., Mook-Kanamori, M. J., Badsha, H., Mckeon, C., Al Emadi, S., Kazkaz, L., Uthman, I., Halabi, H., Masri, B., Shayboub, R., Arayssi, T., Challenges for setting up a multi-country research consortium across the Middle East: Middle East Rheumatoid Arthritis Consortium (MERAC). WCMC-Q annual research retreat. Doha, Qatar, 2013.
3. Wafi, A., Gad Elhaq, W., Mahfoud, Z., Shayboub, R., Hammoudeh, M., Al Emadi, S., Badsha, H., Uthman, I., Halabi H., Masri, B., Mook-Kanamori, M., Kazkaz, L., Plenge, R. M., Arayssi, T., Influence of storage and shipment restrictions on DNA yield and quality in Genome Wide Association Study across the Middle East. WCMC-Q annual research retreat. Doha, Qatar, 2013.
4. Okada, Y., Gupta, N., Mirel, D., Gabriel, S. , Arayssi, T., Mouassess, F., AL Achkar, W., Kazkaz, L., Plenge, R., Loss -of-co- Homozygosity mapping and exome sequencing of a Syrian pedigree Identified the candidate casual mutation associated with rheumatoid arthritis. ACR annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, 2012.

Oral Presentations
1. Gad Elhaq, W., Hammoudeh, M., Mandey, S., Plenge, R., Mahfoud Z., MooK M., Badsha H., Mckeon C., Al Emadi, S., Kazkaz, L., Uthman, I., Halabi, H., Masri, B., Shayboub, R., Arayssi T., Challenges of Setting up a Multi-Country Research Consortium across the Middle East: The Middle East Rheumatoid Arthritis Consortium(MERAC). ELAR, Alexandria, Egypt, 2013.
2. Mandey, S., Hammoudeh, M., Mahfoud, Z., Gad Elhaq, W., Mook, M., Shayboub, R., Al Emadi, S., Badsha, H., Uthman, I., Halabi, H., Masri, B., Kazkaz, L., Plenge, R., McKeon, C., Arayssi, T., Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of Rheumatoid Arthritis patients in some Arab States: Preliminary analysis. ELAR, Alexandria, Egypt, 2013.