
Virtual Metabolomics

The Virtual Metabolomics Core assists investigators in using metabolomics for their research. This core has no instrumentation of its own (hence "virtual"), but it provides assistance in how and where to obtain fee-for-service metabolomics measurements that are best suited for your project. This core is run by Karsten Suhre Lab and makes use of established contacts and past experience from collaborations with different fee-for-service metabolomics providers, such as Biocrates, Chenomx, Lipfit and Metabolon. Moreover, services from the Helmholtz Center Munich (HMGU) Metabolomics Core can be obtained within the framework of a research collaboration agreement between WCM-Q and HMGU.

We provide three levels of services

  1. Consultancy [free of charge]
    On short notice users can discuss their research project with a metabolomics expert in order to identify potential points of intervention. We assist users in identifying the most suitable metabolomics provider and support them in obtaining a quote. This service may lead to a follow-up of one of the following two:
  2. Fee-for-service [funding to be provided]
    The user signs a fee-for-service contract with a provider. The Virtual Metabolomics Core assists the user in designing the study, preparing and submitting the samples, and in the data-analysis of the returning metabolomics data (via the Bioinformatics Core).
  3. Scientific cooperation [common publication, funding can be shared]
    We are interested to engage in collaborative projects when these fall within the scope of our research, that is, in particular the genetics and metabolomics of diabetes and its co-morbidities.




Karsten Suhre, PhD 
Professor of Physiology and Biophysics
Director of Bioinformatics
[email protected]
Phone: (974) 4492 8482